Wondrous Item (necklace), rare (requires attunement)
This ornate amulet is imbued with the essence of the sorcerer’s craft, granting its wearer the ability to harness a fraction of their mystical power.
While attuned to this amulet and wearing it, you gain the knowledge to master one sorcerer cantrip and one sorcerer spell of your choice, as long as you meet the prerequisites for casting it. You use your Charisma modifier as your spellcasting ability for these spells. You can change the selected cantrip and spell by completing a long rest, during which you attune your magical energies to different incantations.
When casting the sorcerer spell granted by this amulet, you can utilize any of your available spell slots, but the chosen spell must adhere to the usual limitations and rules of your spellcasting class, including spell level restrictions and components.